After nearly 5 months since I broke my Loop Evotec 696-4MF, I finally got the rod back in my quiver!
Special thanks to Mr Yokota at LOOP to LOOP, one of my favorite fly fishing shops in my home town, Tokyo, who sent it back to me.
送り返してくれた地元東京のフライショップ、LOOP to LOOPの横田さんに感謝です。
I just wanted to go fishing taking my Loop rod but most major rivers in Otago, Southland are very high water at the moment. During the week, river flows kept getting up at all rivers in my mind and got too high, obviously unfishable unfortunately.
River flow at my home river. It was lower than 5 cumecs on last Monday and the water was quite good. And then, on 18Apr, Saturday, the river flow started to rise up dramatically and got above median level and reached about 15 cumecs.
This is one of small tributary streams that flows into my home river.
I always wanted to fish here as it is close to Dunedin, just 35mins drive, handy distance for half a day fishing. When the main river flows too high, tributary streams could be a good option to fish.I thought today might be a suitable occasion to try this stream for the first time.
I fished 4 hours, caught only one fish. But I think it was worth fishing this stream today, was good to know the stream holds good size fish and it is a potential back up water when the main stream is unfishable due to the high water.
At last, nex weekend will be the last weekend to fish most South Island rivers except some. As the weather has been wet, river fishing really depends on the river flow. Hopefully I will get some chance to fish on my home river for the last weekend in the season.